Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Creative Art of Embroidery

The Creative Art of Embroidery by Barbara Snook. With a title (and author's name) like that, how could I resist? Just look at the cover: 

It spoke to me on a wild, deep and primal level. You see, I was born in the mid-Seventies: I am programmed to be drawn to folkloric, wooly and slightly itchy-looking things. I have no choice.

I found myself with a long car journey and some quiet nights by the fire ahead of me, and felt the need for something other than crochet to occupy my hands. I was given this book a while ago, and Barbara Snook called me from the shelves.

This was the result:

I like it! Not sure what I'll do with it yet, maybe a dress or a blouse. Something suitably Seventies and rustic looking. Something you could wear whilst making quiche. 

Not sure what Barbara Snook would make of the back, isn't your back supposed to be as neat as your front? I had another go and made this on some old Heather Ross fabric:

This little fish has already gone onto bigger seas, I'll show you soon.

It was all a bit too slow for me. I've no doubt you can speed up with embroidery but I fear my eyesight would not allow it. Bit of a baby-faced assassin, embroidery. It definitely brought glasses a few years closer, didn't tapestry weavers go blind in the old days? Weren't many of them children? Suddenly this all feels a lot less wholesome...


  1. Very pleased to see you back. I somehow missed your January post. Congratulations on completing the teaching qualification. Those little pieces of embroidery are very sweet. I've surprised myself by getting back into a spot of tradiitional embroidery as well after finding an old pre-printed linen tablecloth in a junk shop. There will be a blog post eventually!

    1. i look forward to you post soon blue hands, takes ages though, doesn't it? Maybe that's the charm. Thanks, M x

  2. I love these, that fish works perfectly. I somehow never get around to embroidery, though I do enjoy the process, I find it very calming.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Mariam! I've been struggling to find the designer of a beautiful 70s cushion I acquired and I stumbled accross this page and the cover is exactly the same beautiful folk style! And i'd be so grateful, if you still have the book, could you tell me who the designer is? I'm doing an uni essay on my cushion and the hand in date in the 4th January, this detail would absolutely make the essay! Thank you, I enjoyed reading your blog, you have a lovely playful flair! Happy Christmas, I'm sure yours will be gorgeous!
